2014 Spring break camp online payment
Pay online with a credit card to secure your spot. Please choose the days of camp below to make payment.
Camp day with extended care option is for the same number of days as camp. If you want extended care for only some of the days that you signed up for camp, you need to pay for the camp only option for the number of days and the extended care option separately. Please include in the comment section during checkout the days you want for camp vs extended care.
Wait lists will be started for full camp days. There is a $15 charge for dates changed after initial registration. There are no make-ups, transfers, credits or refunds.
Children dropped off before 8:45 am or picked up after 3:15 pm will be charged for extended after care rate at $10/day before care and $25/day after care. There is a $1.00/minute late pick up charge for pick up after 6:00 pm. Late pick up fees are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and must be paid to on duty staff .
Children dropped off before 8:45 am or picked up after 3:15 pm will be charged for extended after care rate at $10/day before care and $25/day after care. There is a $1.00/minute late pick up charge for pick up after 6:00 pm. Late pick up fees are the responsibility of the parent/guardian and must be paid to on duty staff .
Please download the student form and bring the completed form on the first day of camp. |